安全阀是启闭件受外力作用下处于常闭状态,当设备或管道内的介质压力升高超过规定值时,通过向系统外排放介质来防止管道或 设备内介质压力超过规定数值的特殊阀门。安全阀属于自动阀类,主要用于井口压力容器和管道管线上,控制压力不超过规定值,对人身安 全和设备运行起重要保护作用。
2017年3月20日-22日,一家专门生产井口安全阀与驱动器的高科技企业——赛科(深圳)能源设备有限公司 Safoco China(以下简称“赛科能源”展位号:W1582)将在北京 ·中国国际展览中心(新馆)举行的cippe2017第十七届中国国际石油石化技术装备展览会亮相,向专业观众展示其专业优秀的安全 阀与自动化井口控制等设备。
Safoco压裂安全阀(FRV)结合了创新技术与有良好信誉的安全性于一体,这个FRV是市场上第一个以全通径、不间断提供泄压流体 等特性的安全阀。它可实现迅速泄压,防止给阀门造成磨损和破坏,同时其配备了Safoco的安全自动监控仪器(SAMI)可以保持压裂作业的 网上在线操作,FRV被Safoco智能的技术所控制,能让使用者通过数字化录入出油管线的压力、记录和监控活动并且远程操作阀门;手轮驱 动器的功能性和几个报警装置提供了额外的安全性; F R V整套设备包括:15000 PSI API 阀门、API促动器、2 ",3 " 或者4 "1502高压接头和备用电池;配备的Safoco的液压驱动器被设计为当安全阀情况最紧急时,允许阀门中的压力来协助驱动器释压,以便 在更高压时能更迅速地打开阀门泄压。
Safoco’s Fracturing Relief Valve (FRV) combine sinnovative technology with reputable safety. The FRV is the first relief valveon the market featuring full bore, un-interrupted flow relief. This allows for immediaterelief, prevents wear and tear to the valve, while also keeping fracturing operationsonline. The FRV is controlled by Safoco’s smart technology, allowing the userto digitally enter flow line relief pressure, record and monitor activity, and operatevalves remotely. Manual override functionality and several alert features provideadditional safety. The FRV features: 15,000 PSI API valve; API actuator; 2”,3”, or 4” 1502 Hammer Union connections, and battery back-up.
Safoco’s Safety Automated MonitoringInstrument (SAMI) allows for the monitoring and operation of an actuated valveonsite. The SAMI is able to provide alarm notifications and remote verificationof both the safety system and valve integrity on a regular basis.
The Safoco Hydraulic Actuated Valveutilizes wellhead safety valve technology and applies it to the hydraulicfracturing industry. The hydraulic actuator is designed to allow the pressurein the valve to assist in the relieving process and open the valve quicker athigher pressures, when the relief valve is most critical.
SAMI是一套自足自动紧急关闭系统,配备气动/液动驱动器,应用于井口阀门和管道 ESD 阀门设备;其使用低功耗微处理器监控各 种压力、温度和其它信号,控制阀门驱动。还可通过人机界面实现远程控制这些命令。它使用一种数据采集和监测控制(SCADA)协议跟已 存在数据结构或Safoco数据库-ESD 阀门系统通信。在极其偏远地区使用铱卫星系统、蜂窝通讯系统或现有的远程终端设备(RTU)与SCADA 实现通信;SAMI 可适应于各种井口和管道传感器,包括压力、温度、液面、电子砂探针、硫化氢探测器、火警、阀位传感器等;其定期监 测和检查自身电量,当低电量时它会关闭 ESD 阀门并发送警报,该控制系统通常配备太阳能和/或风力发电系统,Safoco使用特定的太阳能 电池一般使用3-5年。
The SAMI system (Safety Automated Monitoring Instrument) is a self-contained autonomous emergency shutdown system for wellheadvalves and pipeline ESD valve applications when equipped with pneumatic orhydraulic actuators.
The SAMI achieves this by using very lowpower microprocessors to monitor a variety of pressures, temperatures, and othersignals to control valve actuation. These commands can be controlled remotelyvia HMI. If there is not an alarm, the SAMI can close and open an emergencyshut-down valve remotely to verify the integrity of the ESD system.
The SAMI uses a SCADA (Supervisory Controland Data Acquisition) protocol to communicate to either an existing datainfrastructure or to SAFOCO’s data warehouse – ESD Valve Scape. Communicationis accomplished through Iridium Satellite systems in extremely remote areas,cellular communication systems, or existing RTU (Remote Terminal Units) SCADA systemswhere available.
The SAMI controller is flexible in its input and output structure to accommodate a variety of wellhead and pipelinesensors. This includes multiple pressures, temperatures, fluid levels, electronicsand probes, H2S detectors, fire alarms, valve position sensors, and a number of internal functional and diagnostic inputs – such as battery monitoring,hydraulic levels sensors, and hydraulic or pneumatic pressure sensors, dependingon the type of valve actuation. The SAMI continuously monitors its own condition by checking its battery level. SAMI will close the ESD valves andsend an alarm in case of the battery falling below safe levels.
The SAMI control system is typically supplied with a solar and/or wind generator charging systems sized to suit thesystem parameters and the environmental conditions of installation. SAFOCO Inc.uses specific duty solar batteries, having typical battery life of 3-5 years.
振威展览股份主办的第七届中国国际天然气技术装备展览会(CING)将于2017年3月20-22日在北京·中国国际展览中心(新 馆)召开,目前招展活动已经在火热进行中。众多展商和专业观众共聚一堂,为广大天然气企业的产品和信息沟通创造了良好的机会,促进 了生产技术的交流,对天然气整个产业结构调整、区域经济结构优化起到了重要的促进作用。
为天然气企业提供高端平台,让企业对话机构、让企业直面用户,让国内天然气企业接轨世界,CING与天然气企业同呼吸,共命运 ,为中国梦、蓝天梦的实现而不懈努力!
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