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Cippe Builds Communication Bridge between Supplier and Purchaser

Pubdate:2012-12-26 16:24 Source:cippe Click:

As the global largest petroleum exhibition, China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (cippe), on one hand, gathers more than 1,500 well-known enterprises from over 60 countries and regions and exhibits nearly ten thousand kinds of equipments, on the other hand, owns hundreds thousand professional buyers information under decades of exhibition-organizing experience.

During the exhibition, cippe is the platform for suppliers and purchasers making face-to-face talks. In the rest time, cippe works as communication-bridge as well.  

Recently, a Shaanxi company called the organizing committee showing its willing that it wanted the help of cippe to communicate with Moss Seal Company which is an exhibitor of cippe and exhibited seal equipment before.

The organizing committee staff talked with Moss Seal Company as soon as received the request and set up the contact. These two corporations are in the cooperation talks now, according to the organizing committee of cippe.

The organizing committee receives similar requests frequently in exhibitors' recruitment and visitors' invitation, staff said. The committee tries to meet the needs of customers with the principle of offering best services, building a ceaseless communication-bridge for enterprises.