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Growing and developing together with China's petroleum industry, cippe, as the bellwether of the development of China's petroleum and petrochemical industry, has witnessed and displayed the great breakthrough and turning point on its developing process in last 13 years. On occasion of the end of cippe2013, let's wait for the next session, a more wonderful cippe in 2014.
To contribute to shale gas enterprises.
Currently, more and more companies flock to the research of shale gas based upon two-round bidding of shale gas and the shale gas development has swept across the country. In 2014, cippe will keep on enlarging the pavilion area to help shale gas companies to display technology and share experience.
Offshore engineering to keep on increasing.
The exploration of petroleum is developing from land to ocean, from shallow to deep water and those exhibitors for offshore engineering are also increasing on cippe. Next year, the offshore engineering area of cippe will make further efforts to display the concerned enterprises and equipment.
Year by year, more international buyers participate in cippe
Cippe has launched global publicizing plan for some seven years in oil and gas concentrated areas such as Middle East, America, North Sea, North Africa and Southeast Asia and the brand of cippe has been strengthened and groups of high-quality buyers have also been attracted to cippe. In 2014, cippe organizers will concentrate on attracting more oversea purchasing groups to fundamentally improve the quality of cippe.