The development of Chinas shale-gas industry has moved forward over the past year, but far more remains to be done than has been accomplished if the nations ambitious production targets are to be met, according to executives attending an en......【More】
2014-03-27China Suntien Green Energy Corporation Limited said that its profit attributable to owners of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2013 was RMB460 million, representing a decrease of RMB90 million compared with the RMB550 million last......【More】
2014-03-26At least four miners were killed and nine went missing in a colliery gas outburst Friday in Chinas Henan province, authorities said. The outburst occurred at 10.37 a.m. in a tunnel in Ruzhou City, where 250 miners were working underground,......【More】
2014-03-25Chinas natural gas resources are mainly distributed in central and western areas of the country and remain a relatively scarce energy source. Proven reserves of natural gas stood at 3.1 trillion cubic meters in China at the end of 2012. Tha......【More】
2014-03-24The China-Myanmar gas pipeline which suffered delays after being built through a restive border region is running significantly under capacity because of complications in the offshore drilling programme, Interfax has learned. More than seve......【More】
2014-03-18CNOOC (NYSE:CEO)s stock had its neutral rating reiterated by Zacks in a research report issued on Tuesday, American Banking reports. They currently have a $165.00 price target on the stock. Zackss price objective suggests a potenti......【More】
2014-03-17Chinas implied oil demand fell 3.1 percent in the January-February period of this year from a year ago, as the economy of the worlds second largest oil consumer slowed sharply. China consumed roughly 9.98 million barrels per day (bpd) of oi......【More】
2014-03-14Recently, the Chinese CNOOC Offshore Oil Engineering belongs Ministry has launched the national project subsea production system design and development of key equipment, force deepwater technology industry research. After the research is su......【More】
2014-03-13The Shanghai Futures Exchange is ready to roll out the countrys first yuan-denominated crude oil futures, which it hopes will become a benchmark in Asia before gaining global influence. Yang Maijun, the bourses chairman, said foreign invest......【More】
2014-03-12Inevitably, Charlie is exposed and tungsten rod shortly the romantic tandem furiously weaves in and out of sticky situations to their desired destination. At the 2007 SEMA reveal, this device was awarded the Common Mechanics Editors Choice......【More】