Sinopec to cancel graduates employment Sinopec Group, Chinas largest oil refiner, confirmed that the groups subsidiaries canceled some of their pre-signed employment agreements in January, given that their yearly quotas for recruitment have......【More】
2013-01-30NINGXIA HUI, China (CCTV/CNN) - A 30 meter-high blaze occurred on Friday afternoon in northwest Chinas Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region after a valve on the West-East natural gas pipeline was damaged. Rescue workers closed the upstream valve i......【More】
2013-01-29Chevron China Energy Co. and China National Offshore Oil Corp. signed production-sharing contracts for two shallow-water exploration blocks in the eastern South China Sea. Blocks 15/10 and 15/28 are in the Xijiang Sag of the Pearl River Mou......【More】
2013-01-29Styrene monomer stocks in shore tanks in East China rose week on week by about 10,000 mt to roughly 66,000 mt this week -- the highest level seen since early August 2012 -- but still relatively low, market sources said. Whether the rise of......【More】
2013-01-28Background: On October 31, 2012, Chinas National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced the new Natural Gas Utilization Policy (2012 Gas Policy), which came into effect on December 1, 2012. The 2012 Gas Policy is a legal documen......【More】
2013-01-28Development drilling has been concluded while the shallow water phase is more than 80% complete and the onshore gas processing plant is two-thirds complete, the company said. Husky will operate the deepwater portion of the field, including......【More】
2013-01-25Sinopec Corp., Chinas largest oil refiner, saw its oil and gas output rise 4.83 percent year on year in 2012 to 427.62 million barrels of oil equivalent, according to preliminary data released Wednesday. The company filed unaudited business......【More】
2013-01-25BASF, the worlds biggest chemicals maker, said on Tuesday it is planning to build a new plastics plant with China Petroleum Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) in Maoming, south China. The two partners have completed a joint feasibility study fo......【More】
2013-01-24China on Monday announced the results of its second shale gas bidding round, awarding the 19 blocks on offer to 16 domestic companies. The winners were announced at a press conference held by the Ministry of Land and Resources. The 16 domes......【More】
2013-01-24SEOULSouth Korea continued to decrease its imports of Iranian crude oil last year, reducing shipments by more than a third as part of efforts to extend an exemption from U.S. sanctions targeting Tehran. South Korea has agreed to steadily re......【More】