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Shell expands pre-salt growth in deepwater Brazil with winning bids

THE HAGUE -- Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) and its partners won today three, 35-year production sharing contracts for pre-salt blocks located in the Santos basin, offshore Brazil. Shell will pay its share of the total signing bonuses, equat......【More】


ESC Adriatic-Energy Services Market in Albania

ESC Adriatic is a professional network of experts and international companies interested in the energy services market in Albania. This initiative was taken at the beginning of 2017 by a group of highly skilled professionals and some organi......【More】


Albanian Centre for Energy Regulation and Conservation - Acerc

ACERC is a network base think tank centre with focus on the Albanian energy market and its integration in the regional IEM. The ACERC mission base on in-depth knowledge of EU regional energy and clime law and policies, and strives to provid......【More】


Kimray launches electronic low-pressure control valve

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Kimray Inc. has announced the release of the E-LO Control Valve. The E-LO, short for Electronic Low-Pressure Control Valve, is designed to control flow in applications with pressures less than 45 PSI. It features a modular......【More】


LAGCOE 2017: Lloyd’s Register addresses Shell’s new requirement for offshore containers

LAFAYETTE, La. -- One of the biggest topics at a recent industry event held by Lloyds Register was Shells new requirement for offshore containers. The audience at the event in Lafayette had plenty of questions regarding Shells decision to f......【More】


Kosmos Energy picks up assets in Equatorial Guinea as Hess exits

MALABO -- Kosmos Energy will acquire assets from Hess. Additionally, existing investors Tullow Oil and GEPetrol will enter partnership with the new operator. The assets of Hess Corporation in Equatorial Guinea will be acquired by Kosmos Ene......【More】


BSEE lends expertise in Louisiana oil platform fire investigation

NEW ORLEANS -- An engineer, an inspector and an investigator in New Orleans with the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement are lending their expertise to the Jefferson Parrish authorities to assist with the investigation of the rec......【More】


Lebanon completes first licensing round

BEIRUT -- Lebanon reached an important milestone on Oct. 12, which was the deadline set for pre-qualified companies to submit their bids on the open blocks within the countrys first offshore licensing round. Three companies forming one cons......【More】


ExxonMobil acquires crude oil terminal to serve growing Permian production

HOUSTON -- ExxonMobil Corporation announced today that it has acquired a crude oil terminal in Wink, Texas from Genesis Energy LP. The terminal is located in the rapidly growing Delaware basin, part of Permian basin, one of the most prolifi......【More】


VOICE responds to press conference on 2018 budget resolution, ANWR

POINT HOPE, Alaska -- Voice of the Arctic Iupiat (VOICE) is deeply disappointed by todays joint press conference, held by a half dozen democratic senators and several NGOs, pleading for permanent protection of the 1002 area of ANWR from oil......【More】
